Couch Potato Assistant

Customized logo for the site.

How To

Have you ever had that debate with someone that a certain actor was in a movie? Well, we have the solution for you! To get started, type in the name of a movie in the search box above. You will then be taken to another screen that will show information about that movie, as well as what streaming platform it may be on! Additionally, the home page will display a button based off of your previous search. Simply click that button to reload the previous search results!

About the Developers

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Ian Gurgoze

East Asian Studies background, looking to change career paths with WebDev. Having a lot of fun with it, as I enjoy movies and video games very much. Hoping to improve quickly and be able to make many more amazing apps.

Be sure to checkout my Github to see other projects.

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Leo Segura

I come from a mechanical engineer background! One of my dreams is to travel, I am a very competitive person. I dabbled into coding and found the problem solving to be very satisfying once you solve it.

Be sure to checkout my Github to see other projects.

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Chris Simmonds

Tucson, AZ native. Though I have lived here my whole life, I love to travel. New to coding, but I have been enjoying learning more about it and playing around with what I can do.

Be sure to checkout my Github to see other projects.